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All-new interactive show for kids & families

Available Fall 2020

Spig & Zuki Save the Tree! is an interactive theater show for kids & families that uses clown acts, puppetry, and visual effects to tell an engaging story about care, compassion, and responsibility.
Produced by


In Spig & Zuki Save The Tree, our two protagonists are living comfortably, if somewhat carelessly, near a large and splendid tree from which they get their fruit. One morning the tree loses all its leaves, and Spig & Zuki‘s world is suddenly much different.

Spig & Zuki have not only lost their source of fruit, but they also realize that the tree was the home of two other wonderful creatures who’ve now lost their dwelling: Gooster, a fiery fellow who is a mix between a rooster and a goose, and Yin-Yin, a delightfully fluffy talking dandelion.

How did this happen? Could Spig & Zuki be responsible?

With the help of the show’s audience, our four friends, Spig, Zuki, Gooster, and Yin-Yin embark on quest to save the tree. Along the way, they meet Noppa, an old and wise blue-colored bear living quietly behind the tree, who will teach them how to care for the tree, and bring back its fruit.